Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm way under 500 here...

Lucas has decided today is naked day.  I'm not sure what put him into this mood.  First thing this morning he goes potty.  Perfect.  That's what I want to see.  Then since we're out of pull-ups at the moment, another diaper goes on.  It lasted about an hour and then it was off.  So I put another on him and ten minutes later it's off.  I add shorts to the next diaper and that also lasted about ten minutes.  I add a shirt and shorts to the next one and it's all off in a few minutes.  I give up.  He knows where to pee.  Hopefully his makeshift stepstool (a kitchen pot turned upside down) will hold up.

Meghan is fascinated by everything today.  Sing Along Elmo, a fake toy cell phone, one of Lucas's cars, and a throw pillow.  All have captured her attention for at least 15-20 minutes each.  Now she has found a little cake shaped magnet that plays Happy Birthday.  This little toy has been around our various homes for YEARS.  The batteries JUST WON'T DIE.  It played on for a half hour this morning fussing at the kids to stop playing with it.  Then I realized I was SITTING on it.  Now that it's out of my makeshift computer seat (a bag of clothes on top of a laundry basket full of toys), the baby found it.  Joy.  Maybe she'll conveniently LOSE it somewhere like the six binkies we've gone through in the last few months.

Speaking of binkies, I broke down and bought her another two-pack of them to help with getting her to sleep.  I really want to ween her off these things.  But maybe since she's decided to pick her nose all the time recently, having her suck on a thumb or finger would be a bad idea.  So maybe I'm a bad parent, bowing to the desires of my child rather than the needs, but until things are settled here in the new house and we have more of the things we need to make us comfortable and feeling at home, little things like binkies might have to make do.

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