Friday, June 20, 2008

Shapes And Colors

I have been severely aware for a couple of months now that my 2-year old son, Lucas, is quite able and interested in opening the fridge to see what he can find.  Most of the time, he'll grab an apple, rinse it off in the sink, peel off the sticker (you have no idea the number of places I have found these stickers), and eat the thing down to the core.  But sometimes he sees other things he wants, and if he can't open/consume/drink/destroy it himself, he'll bring it to me or my wife.

Tonight the victim was a package of turkey lunch meat.  He brings the whole unopened package to me and says, "Daddy, curkey!"  So I take it from him, return to the kitchen, and give him a slice.  He says, "Daddy, CIRCLE!!!".  And yes, it's a circle.  "Daddy, curkie CIRCLE, hahahaha!"  And within a few seconds, it's gone.  Nom nom nom nom...

I just like the fact that he figures out these shapes and colors and names on his own now.  Circles, triangoos, skares, reds, boos, geens, yay-yos.  He can even pick out white, gray, and black.  Any pickup truck in silver or bronze or pewter is Bebaw's truck.  Bebaw is grandma.  Pepaw is grandpa.  Hell, any pickup truck is Bebaw's truck but then he CORRECTS himself and says "Bebaw's truck but WHITE".  Suburbans are Daddy's truck.  Green old beaters are Daddy's car, even though Daddy's car sold a month ago.  Blue Tauruses 1996 and newer are Mama's car.  And in case you forgot, Mama's car is Boo.

Another quote from him earlier, when he wandered into or bedroom where Meghan was taking a nap in her PackNPlay, "Daddy, Maymay id CRYING!"  Of course, Meghan is crying because he reached into the PackNPlay and woke her up somehow, and Meghan is now looking at me to say, "Daaeeee, bub bub aw rrrRRROOOOOOOWWWRRrrr!"  Loosely translated, that means, "Daddy, my brother just woke me up from my nap AND I WANT TO KILL HIM DEAD!!!"

She's the cutest thing you know, just bubbly and full of energy and now that she walks EVERYWHERE she talks and tells me about what she sees while walking through the house, waddling like she's nine months pregnant or something (hey Honey, that sound familiar?).  Tonight though, she got her food (fish sticks, mac n cheese, chocolate pudding) and her bath, and we put her to bed, and she screamed like we had dropped her in a pot of boiling oil.  So I sat down with my TV dinner, and grabbed Green Eggs And Ham, and read to her.  She was fine with that and by the end was almost passed out.  But her eyes were still open, and as I rubbed her belly to get her to fall fast asleep, Lucas came rushing out of his bath, stark naked, dripping wet, and looking for Daddy.  It took about another half hour to get her back to sleep.  That was 10pm.  It's 11:30pm now, and Lucas is still running amok.  But he got his curkie, and his sippy cup, and he's sitting in Shelby's lap awaiting the few more minutes of BabyFirstTV neccessary to knock him out.

I'll definitely have to post about BabyFirstTV sometime.  If you have children 5 or under, and you have DirecTV or a giant lawn shade type of satellite, you MUST get this channel.  I'd happily pay the $80 or so a month we spend on the whole cable package just to have this one channel.  More later.  Bedtime as soon as I get a confirmation of a sleeping Lucas.

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