Friday, June 20, 2008

I suppose I better put something in here...

...or else the blog might eat me.  During FLARG, even.  Please don't blow up the host planet, since it is your home planet.  Duh.  And if I hear one more thing about a Re-Do, I'm going to redo your face.

Help, I've been sucked into the world of blogging.  It matters not that I've kept a LiveJournal for five years.  If I don't have something on Blogger, I'm invisible.  Which normally would be fine for me, but since my wife saw some other guy having a stay-at-home-daddy blog, she thought I ought to get on here and share my experiences.

Well, she asked for it.

My wife comes in here a few minutes ago complaining that the youngest is sucking on her arm and she's going to have hickeys.  So maybe someday she'll let me give her a few more.  But for now, Meghan is sitting in my lap eating cookies, making crumbs, and sucking the crumbs off my arm.  If my wife doesn't want baby hickeys on her, don't give the baby a cookie.  Simple solution.

My wife is also about 29 weeks pregnant with what will be my 3rd child, her 7th.  The oldest daughter doesn't live with us, so that means our family will shortly have 8 members.  THREE OF THEM UNDER THREE.  I'm so glad the Suburban we have is so well equipped for this.  The 3rd row seat sits right under a giant squirrel cage fan AC unit above the back windows.  White noise, anyone?  I think the car seats should ALL go back there.  It might be more diificult to load them, but we certainly won't have to listen to them.  But I'm selfish.  I like my tire-wind-road noise much more than babies screaming at the top of their lungs.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Good times! Welcome to the blogger beast and thanks for stopping by my blog.

I grew up in Burleson about a million years ago and my buddy still has a lake house out in Dawson.

Enjoy the full house. AHD